May 24, 2020
Can I have your attention, please?
By: Tim Claassen
Series: GMC - Sunday Service
Jonah is a story most of us know. And one of the messages behind this story is God trying to get people's attention. So is God going to use this sermon to get your attention?
- May 24, 2020Can I have your attention, please?
May 24, 2020Can I have your attention, please?By: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceJonah is a story most of us know. And one of the messages behind this story is God trying to get people's attention. So is God going to use this sermon to get your attention?
- May 17, 2020You Get What You Pay For
May 17, 2020You Get What You Pay ForBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceObadiah has a message for us today- You get what you pay for. God is not mocked and we will reap what we sow. This is just as true today as it was when it was written. So listen all the way to the end (with communion) on how we reaped what Jesus sowed.
- May 10, 2020Strong Godly Woman (Special Mother’s Day message)
May 10, 2020Strong Godly Woman (Special Mother’s Day message)By: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceHappy Mother's Day. Today we look at a minor prophet (only mentioned in one Bible story) that gave us an example of a strong godly woman.
- May 3, 2020The Lord is My Shepherd
May 3, 2020The Lord is My ShepherdBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceThe book of Amos is written by a shepherd with a message given by the Great Shepherd. It's message is one of dependence on the Lord who is our shepherd. So we need so seek this shepherd who will lead us back in fellowship with him.
- Apr 26, 2020Back Stage Pass
Apr 26, 2020Back Stage PassBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceJoel has much to say about how God is working behind the scenes and shows how God is in control not only of the present circumstances but far into the future as well. And God is still in control today despite what we are going through.
- Apr 19, 2020For God So Loved the World
Apr 19, 2020For God So Loved the WorldBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceI am starting a new series looking at the 12 minor prophets in the Old Testament (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi). I titled the series "Majoring on the Minors". These little-read and little-preached on books are some of the most fascinating in the Bible but because of their size (minor compared to the major prophets of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel) they are often skipped over and ignored. Amazingly you will find that these minor prophets speak to major issues today in our modern world. As we start with Hosea, we will see his message of God's love for us even when we turn away from us will pursue us and try to win us back into a right relationship with him.
- Apr 12, 2020It is Finished
Apr 12, 2020It is FinishedBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceIt is finished is not a phrase that admits defeat, but is a victorious message of Jesus from the cross that the price has been paid and God's plan of salvation has been accomplished. This Easter morning message also includes three songs and a special that is sure to encourage you to celebrate the complete work of Jesus by dying on the cross and rising to life again three days later.
- Apr 5, 2020Into Your Hands
Apr 5, 2020Into Your HandsBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceHow will you die? Will you die in peace (rest in peace)? Jesus did and so can you by trusting in the same Father he did. Find out more in this message about the last words of Christ from the cross.
- Mar 29, 2020I am Thirsty
Mar 29, 2020I am ThirstyBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceJesus says "I am Thirsty" from the cross. But is this a sign of pain or defeat. No. It was to fulfill scripture and reminds us that we need to be thirsting after God.
- Mar 22, 2020Eloi, Eloi
Mar 22, 2020Eloi, EloiBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceWhy is a question we sometimes ask when we are going through times of suffering and pain. So it should not surprise us that Jesus asks the "Why" question from the cross. While we might not be able to answer all the "Why" question, at least we can trying to answer the on from Jesus.
- Mar 15, 2020The Passover Experience Part 1
Mar 15, 2020The Passover Experience Part 1By: Justin KronSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceGroveland Missionary Church welcomed Justin Kron from Chosen People Ministries to our pulpit. He goes around the country ministering to churches highlighting the OT and Jewish ties to Jesus and to us. This morning he brought the meaning and the symbolism of the Jewish Sadar to how Jesus celebrated the Last Supper and how various elements point to who Jesus is and the redemption he offers. Due to the length, I had to upload it in two parts. This is part 1 and you will find part 2 next. For more about Justin Kron, please visit his website at www.
- Mar 15, 2020The Passover Experience Part 2
Mar 15, 2020The Passover Experience Part 2By: Justin KronSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceThis is the second part of the message by Justin Kron of The Passover Experience
- Mar 8, 2020Behold Your Son
Mar 8, 2020Behold Your SonBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceJesus shows us what it means to comfort his mother in these words of life from the tree of death.
- Mar 1, 2020You will be with me in paradise
Mar 1, 2020You will be with me in paradiseBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceTwo thieves both ask to be saved. Find out why one was ignored and why one was answered and how your prayer for salvation can be answered too.
- Feb 16, 2020I am the Vine
Feb 16, 2020I am the VineBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceJesus is the vine and we are the branches. This sermon explores the three aspects of how we are related to this vine and what it means to be connected with Jesus
- Feb 9, 2020I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Feb 9, 2020I am the Way, the Truth, and the LifeBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceThis morning's message is about heaven -- what it is and how to get there.
- Feb 2, 2020I am the Resurrection
Feb 2, 2020I am the ResurrectionBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceThis kind of faith is needed to believe that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life.
- Jan 26, 2020I am the Good Shepherd
Jan 26, 2020I am the Good ShepherdBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceWhen Jesus said, "I am the good Shepherd," he focused the idea of the shepherd into three characteristics that shepherds have. You will hear those characteristics in this message.
- Jan 19, 2020I am the Gate
Jan 19, 2020I am the GateBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceThe Gate keeps bad stuff out, good stuff in, and peace throughout. Listen to see how Jesus is the gate.
- Jan 12, 2020I Am the Light of the World
Jan 12, 2020I Am the Light of the WorldBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceLight is needed for us to see. This is just how God has created our eyes. When light does not come into our eyes or our eyes cannot translate that light for our brain to understand, we are blind. The same is true spiritually. Our spiritual eyes needs to see the light of Jesus and be interpreted by him for our minds to be open to the things of God. This message is about a blind man who can see, and seeing men who are blind.
- Jan 5, 2020I Am the Bread of Life
Jan 5, 2020I Am the Bread of LifeBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceThis sermon start new series on the "I Am" statements that John records in his gospel. In all of them, Jesus declares in new ways that he is the son of God, the great I Am, who came down from heaven. This week he compares himself to the nourishing qualities of bread in three contrasting comparisons.
- Dec 29, 2019The Steadfast Love
Dec 29, 2019The Steadfast LoveBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceThis year at Groveland Missionary Church we have preached on a variety of passages in the Bible that built on our theme from Lamentations 3:21-22 focusing on God's steadfast love and faithfulness. And God has been faithful to us this last year. So this message explores the various topics and sermons that was preached over this last year. Enjoy remembering how God has been faithful and looking forward to the Light of Jesus we will be preaching on in 2020.
- Dec 22, 2019Light of Joy
Dec 22, 2019Light of JoyBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceJoy to the World. The message of the angels was not just for the shepherds on the hillside outside of Bethlehem 2000 years ago. The Light of Joy still Shines on. And it is not just for a select few. This is a message for "all the people". Jesus was born as a Savior to bring us the joy of knowing him in a new and unique way. So I hope that as I mentioned in my sermon that all of us will pray, "Jesus, I want to get to know you better this year".
- Dec 15, 2019Light of Salvation
Dec 15, 2019Light of SalvationBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceThe Roman oppression of the Jews had them praying for a Savior. And God answered, but not in the way they expected. He came as a light of salvation from our sins. What are you doing with that light?
- Dec 8, 2019Light of Life
Dec 8, 2019Light of LifeBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceJohn's Gospel starts out, "In the beginning was the Word . . . In him was life and that life was the light of men" Jesus later says, "I have come to give life and give it to the full". As we continue to look at the Light of Bethlehem that shines on, we look at this morning the light of life and what that means to those both living back in Jesus' day as well as today.
- Dec 1, 2019Light of Hope
Dec 1, 2019Light of HopeBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceWhen the darkness of despair is all around you, the Light of Bethlehem Shines on as the Light of Hope. It is good to know that hope is one of the things that Jesus brought into this world many years ago. And that Light of Hope still shines today.
- Nov 24, 2019What Do We Have for God: Our Thanksgiving
Nov 24, 2019What Do We Have for God: Our ThanksgivingBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceGiving thanks is just as important in our Christian walk and being stewards of God's blessing as money or time or talents. And here are three ways we can give thanks from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.
- Nov 17, 2019What Do We Have for God: Our Treasure
Nov 17, 2019What Do We Have for God: Our TreasureBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceMoney has a spiritual component. Jesus says that where your treasure is, your heart is also. So this sermon encourages you to make spiritual investments with your physical money.
- Nov 10, 2019What Do We Have for God: Our Time/lives
Nov 10, 2019What Do We Have for God: Our Time/livesBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServicePastor Tim spoke with a sore throat this morning so please excuse the rawness in this recording. God wants us to use the time He has given to us not only as a day of worship once a week, but our entire life smartly and sacrificially.
- Nov 3, 2019What Do We Have for God: Our Talents
Nov 3, 2019What Do We Have for God: Our TalentsBy: Tim ClaassenSeries: GMC - Sunday ServiceThis is the first in a series about giving which we are going to look at this ThankGIVING season. Because despite what you may think, we have much we can give to God. This morning we look at giving God our talents.