I preached on Psalm 139 this week, but because of the Acorn Bank Breaking, I was only able to touch on two aspects of this incredible Psalm. So I hope that if you listened to this week’s sermon, you will dig deeper and read the entire psalm. And as I hinted on in the sermon, read it in two different modes. First treat this psalm in a way that sees God’s all-knowing power and all-present person as a positive that inspires awe and wonder at God. Then read it a second time. But this time read it as someone who does not like the fact that God know every thing and is everywhere. Maybe as someone who is under conviction and does not want God to know about things they want to keep hidden or for God to know about. Then ask yourself an even tougher question . . . one I did not have time to deal with. How does verses 19-21 fit in to either one of those readings. These verses are often skipped over by many preachers and commentaries because they do not seem to fit in. What do you think? As always feel free to comment on them on this website.