Another of the lessons that we can learn from these chapters that I did not touch on Sunday fully is how we are to overcome. I did say that Satan’s time is limited, his power short and his defeat is sure, but why. It is because of blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony (Rev 12:11). But what that entails means a lot for us. Because as that same verse goes on to say; “they did no love their lives so much as to shrink from death” I like what one commentary says about this. “The rest of this book teaches that our goal as Christians is not to escape suffering or death but to announce Jesus to the world” (Keener 331) This has already been seen in 6:9-11 and 11:3-7. Our testimony about our encounter with the blood of the lamb is critical now, but will be even more important as the end draws neigh. We must not shrink from this duty. We cannot. The salvation of our family, friends and neighbors depends on it. We must invade the world with the message and example of God’s redeeming love. And we need to start now!