I did not feel like preaching yesterday morning. My heart was not in it as I walked to the front to pray. I even mentioned it to Bryan who was walking with me. I do not know what it was. Maybe is was the beginning of a headache that grew that afternoon. Maybe it was the Sunday School hour and the need to correct my sons again during that time. Maybe it was a spiritual attack by Satan putting me in a slight depressive state. Maybe I was a bit weary in doing good (as my message that morning would speak on). Whatever it was, I shrived to do my best and preach what I had prepared that week. But I do not know what happened. I am going to chalk it up to the praise and worship yesterday morning, (it also could have been the prayers of the men up front, especially Bryan), but I felt the sermon went smoothly. Many of the songs that Anita picked out had subtle hints that I knew I was going to preach on yesterday. Especially evident in the songs was the presence of God being with us even when times are dark or hard. And looking back that praise is just what I needed to not grow weary yesterday. Little did I know that the message was for me. Press on when you do not know what else to do. Be faithful even if that faith is tested or dimmed. Do what God has asked you to do and as Gal 6:9 says, you will gain a harvest at the right time. Yesterday’s hymns of praise was just what I needed to be faithful until the end (of that sermon at least)