Well we are officially into spring in our neck of the woods as the sun makes it’s move north of the equator and warming up the northern hemisphere. And with spring comes new life as the trees start to bud and the flowers that had lay dormant over the winter months start popping out of the ground. It is also a good time open our windows to let the warm, fresh breezes blow through our cars and houses. We hear the birds start gathering in the trees, chirping and communicating with each other. The grass gets greener as the gentle rain showers water it. And the world seems to come to life again.
But what about your spiritual life. Sometimes it has turned cold as the winter weather. It too needs more Son moving closer to you. Maybe some of the deadened areas of your life need to start to bud again and pop up from the soil. Maybe it is time to feel a new breeze of life on your heart warming you and freshening your attitudes. Maybe you need to stop and hear the small voices speaking to you over the noise that have dampened your hearing. Maybe it is time to let a gentle rain produce a greener heart. Maybe it is time to let the Lord bring new life from your sin-sick heart.
Make this spring one of new beginnings not just around you but in you as well.