As you might be able to see, I am not writing this on January 13th. I am a few days behind due to some sickness in my family. However, I have been thinking about this light that we talked about on Sunday. My first point was about Jesus doing miracles even today. Some of those miracles are “natural” i.e. medications the help cure or heal, doctors performing surgery, etc. And God has blessed and provided through some of these means “miracles” that might not have happened not too long ago. I do not believe like some other religious groups that God only heals via supernatural ways by faith believing. Doctors and hospitals all are involved with health and healing in the Christian’s life. But I also believe that does not deny the fact that God still uses supernatural healing. Miracles happen. People who are prayed over or anointed with oil can be healed by a direct touch from our Maker. I even struggled whether or not to include in my sermon a time for me to ask if anyone wanted the elders and I to lay hands on those who needed to be anointed. I only decided not to because I have never done anything like that on a Sunday morning and felt too apprehensive about it. I do not feel I have the gift of healing and it would scare me if a supernatural healing would happen because of something I did. It might “go to my head” and knowing how many of this congregation have physical needs . . . . well I will just say that while I know the Spirit can and does, actually experiencing it would freak me out. Besides, I know many times that our prayers times have seen many answers to prayer for healing. Also I would be more than happy to anoint and pray for someone if they ask me (they take the initiative) but a little scared if I would initially ask the congregation who wanted to be anointed. Hope this confusion makes sense to you. If not, come and ask me about it and maybe I can flesh it out more on a one on one basis. Until next week, God Bless.