July 1

This week we are celebrating our freedom here in America.  And I thank God for being born in such a great country.  But I am also glad that I know Jesus and that I was born again.  Now I have an even greater country to look forward to.  If you have not experienced the true freedom that Christ gives, please contact me at the church and I would be more than happy to introduce you to the one who will change your life and set you free!

June 24

The youth had a great time at summer camp this last week.  Make sure to ask them about it.  I too came away refreshed and enlightened and ready to go back next year with even more kids.

June 17

Pray for all the boys and girls that are up at church camp this week.  Pray God will speak to hearts and change their lives.

June 10

I might not have done a great job of explaining the differences and similarities of trials and temptations.  I think James is focusing on desires when he uses the same word for both.  The main difference is the desire behind the trial or temptation.  God’s desire for all of his trials is for us to grow not to be tempted away from him.  So it this way we can say that God tries us but does not tempt us.  His desire is for the trials to draw us closer to him not away through temptation.  Our desire is what changes a trial into a temptation.  Temptations come when we see trials and uses those trials to lead us away from God.  Our evil desires turn trials into temptation.  Hopefully that clears things up a bit more.

June 3

Happy birthday to my youngest Son Caleb!

May 27

I am writing this well after the holiday weekend, but I hope that you all took a little time to remember all the fallen men and women who made this country in the the greatest nation in the world.  They deserve our honor and thanks.  And if you did not remember to do this on Monday, that you will take time this next week to do so.

May 20

Recently someone here at GMC was asking about our belief about women in leadership positions at our church.  This topic was even briefly discussed at our Regional Conference.  I spent much of today looking at some of the key passages about this, specifically 1 Tim 2:11-15.  Personally, my biggest hang up about allowing women in leadership positions is that Paul’s basis for his belief is found in Gen, even before the fall, i.e. established by God.  Many of the other reasons can be explained away with cultural bias, but I have not heard a good argument about the order of creation. 
     What do you think?  Feel free to call or email anything you feel about this subject.

May 13

I hope everyone had a good time yesterday remembering their mother.  Cherish her if she is still alive.

May 6

Money is a topic I do not like to delve into very much.  It is almost like asking about someone’s love life.  But money is so important in the Christian walk.  It can lead to many temptations and failings.  It can lead to many divisions and dissections.  It can cripple a church and its people.  But it also can be used for God’s greatness and glory.  Money is needed to keep a ministry going.  And looking at our church and it’s ministry, we are not collecting enough each week to pay all of our bills.  Luckily God has blessed us in the past.  We do not have any outstanding debts and we have savings in the bank on which we can draw on.  But we need more people who are willing to give to God through our church.  So prayerfully consider what you are currently giving and see if God wants more from you.

April 29

I had a great birthday this last week.  Thank you to all who sent me cards or posted on Facebook.