March 13

I have been thinking a lot about my unrighteousness this last week.  I have fallen short many times of God’s standard.  And yet even in that unrighteousness, I point fingers at others who are “more unirighteous”.  It does not make sense.  We all will be held accountable to a righteous God (Tsidkenu), so why are we boosting in ourselves or criticizing others?  We all need to humbly come before Yahweh Tsidenu and ask for his righteousness to be superimposed upon us.  This and this alone makes us righteous and worthy of our Lord and Savior.  Ask him for his righteousness today!

March 6

David and Goliath is the classic Bible story that even non-Christians know about.  And so this message is a good one to keep “in your back pocket” for telling others about how God works in people’s lives.  Because inevitably, everyone feels like they are battling some giant in their life at one point or another.  And being able to tell them that when faced with impossible odds, this shepherd boy took down a mighty warrior is a great message to link them to the fighting God of Yahweh Tsabaoth.  You may not remember the name, but you know that it was not David alone on that battlefield.  And God is still with us on our battlefields.  Let him win our battles.

February 27

Flags, our modern day banners, have a rich history to them.  Our American flag has many symbolic features about it.  Of course most of you know that the 50 stars represent the 50 states of our union and the 13 stripes stand for the original 13 colonies of our country.  But did you know that our flags has been changed or modified 26 times in it’s history?  And the original flag was probably was not designed by Betsy Ross.  Did you also know that the “Star Spangled Banner” that Francis Scott Key wrote about actually had 15 stripes (and 15 stars)?  It is now hanging in the Smithsonian.
The Christian Flag is white representing purity and forgiveness while the blue is symbolic of baptism and the cross is red standing for Jesus’ blood.  I was first conceived in 1897 (a year before our church started) on Coney Island.  It too has a pledge for it: “I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Saviour for whose Kingdom it stands; one Saviour, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe.”  Like the American flag, it identifies as well as represents the principles on which it is founded.  I am so glad that God too has raised a banner over us and that he calls us his own.

February 20

You may not know this or not but this week is Ash Wednesday.  It starts a time of preparation and reflection before the events of Holy Week starting with the triumphal entry, to the Lord’s Supper, to the cross of Calvary, and all the way to the empty tomb of Easter.  My prayer this season is that we will see God in a whole new light.  Whether that is through learning the names of God or experiencing him in another way, I hope God makes himself real to you.

February 13

Valentine’s day is this week.  How are you showing love to your significant other?  But, maybe a more important question is how are you showing love to your Lord and God?  Something to ponder this week.

February 6

God wants us to call him by his proper name.  Yes, we need to do so reverently but without fear.  but I think that not using this name that is given over 6800 times in the OT is just as much misusing this name as swearing.  Using it “in vain” is just as bad as not using it at all in my opinion.  So Yes, we need to treat it as holy and sacred but not untouchable (unspeakable).  Remember, he revealed this name to us so we can know him better.  So get to know him better through this name Yahweh.

January 30

Making God as Lord in your life is not as simple as saying a prayer.  Unlike the prayer of repentance, where God changes you instantly from a sinner to a saint, making God your ‘Adonai is a daily minute by minute prayer.  It is the struggle of taking your will and submitting it to God’s will.  It is continually putting yourself under his dependence and control.  And it takes a lifetime to perfect.  We all struggle with obedience to God and following him 100% but by doing so we find that life is more enjoyable and wonderful.  Knowing some of the other names (Almighty God, God Most High, the God who made me, the God who sees me) helps us in following our ‘Adonai.  Because we had a God who can be trusted and relied on and who is strong enough, powerful enough, and wise enough to lead us to where he wants us to go.  And that is the power of ‘Adonai.

January 23

I think that the most wonderful theological thought is best worded in a simple song we often sing.  Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.  This week God’s names introduces us to a God who is both eternal and present.  God knows and cares for even the lowest individual.  This was true in Hagar’s case and it is just as true in your life.  It does not matter how “small” you are, or unworthy you feel, God knows you and sees you.  He is a God who sees and cares for each of us.  We are special to him.  And if more people would hear and understand this message, the larger our churches would be.  So let someone in your life know that you serve a God who sees.

January 16

Power.  It is something we all long for but few get.  However, we can be weak and yet powerful if we trust and rely on God’s Power name.  “One and God make a majority” is an old but true statement (Frederick Douglas).  We have the power to over come everything with God on our side.  “With God all things are possible.” (Mark 10:27) And the reverse is also true, without God, we can do nothing (John 15:5).  So lean into God and to the impossible.

January 9

I hope you enjoyed the message about God’s names yesterday.  When you know him as a creator or as a strong God, you see how he influences us and our actions.  For example, if God is ‘Elohim that made everything in the heavens in the earth, how are we to treat the world around us? How are we to treat the people around us who are made in his image?  Sin may have come and polluted this world, but it is still in his control.  And when we need a strong arm to cry on or to defend us from Satan’s attack, we can trust in ‘El who will never let us down.  God truly is a strong tower where the righteous can run to.  So I hope that this week, you will take a look around you and see if God does not reveal himself to you by these two names in a new and fresh light.