December 30

Tony did a great job on Sunday preaching on Gen 1:1.  Little did he know but his message leads us perfectly into our theme for next year and the basis of my sermons for the coming year.  It is so important to know that God is the beginning and the creator of all that we know and see.  Without that foundation, everything else can (and usually is) called into question.  I hope that as we start reading through the Bible again, starting in Genesis, we will see who we are and who God is right from the beginning.  I hope your year looking at the wisdom of God will prepare us to look to this new year with love and passion for Jesus.

December 23

I want to wish all those who are reading this post the Merriest of Christmases.  But more so, my prayer is that this season you will find room in your heart for Jesus.

December 16

One week until Christmas.  I almost seems like it is already here.  Things are already piling up on the “to-do” list and my precious time is filling up.  But one thing that I do not want to run out of time for is praising and worshiping God.  Without him, this season would not exist.  Without him, all of life would be meaningless.  Without him, we could not do anything.  So fill your time with praise and worship and you will be surprised how much time that frees up for the most important thing.

December 9

Whenever I think about some of the people of the OT, especially some of the women that we talked about in the message, I am often surprised that some of the “less then stellar” episodes of the Bible where not edited out.  Especially of the great heroes.  The two books of Chronicles sometimes do this, skipping over some of the faults of the kings of Judah, but the OT if filled with sinful behavior from many considered to be the “greats”.  And Matthew’s intentional placement of many of these sins is just as shocking.  Yet, the Bible is honest about the failures of their characters.  No one is without some failure or moral lapses.  And this should encourage us.  Because we all have some failures and moral lapses in our history.  We all have sinned and fallen well short of God’s glory.  Yet, God still loves us even to the point of sending his Son Jesus.  This is the whole reason why we celebrate Christmas.  Jesus was born in this imperfect world to save us from these sins.  And for that we truly can celebrate.

December 2

Well the Christmas season is now upon us and we are driving toward the celebration of Jesus’ birth.  But there are many lessons we can learn from those who took place.  Joseph taught us to obey without question.  The shepherds taught us joy.  And the wise men seeking the promised one.  All of these men showed different ways we can apply these principles to our lives.

November 25

Have a great Thanksgiving giving thanks.

November 18

The Keith Green version of the sheep and the goats is a dramatic adaptation to the parable that is written in Matthew 25.  If you want to listen to it again here is the website (–Q).  Like I said during the message, it brings a tear to my eye.  Firstly, the joy of Jesus welcoming the sheep and the surprise of the sheep to be welcomed into their rest.  Secondly, the anguish Keith uses to portray the painful betrayal of the goats toward Jesus.  Hearing what Jesus must feel when his children are neglected or treated so poorly by the goats gets me every time.  Not only does “the least of these” feel the pain but so does Jesus.  His love for the least is so great.  And finally, the excuses that the goats make are the kind that I sometimes find myself saying.  “Enough!!!”  We need to do what God has called us to do for all of God’s children.

November 11

Thank you to all the veterans who are reading this.  You service and dedication has kept this country free.  My only hope is that I can do my part to help keep it free.  I honor you today.

November 4

Get out and vote tomorrow.  Not only is it part of the freedoms we have as Americans, but it is also a duty of every Christian.  As we looked at last week, we all have been given “talents”- gifts and abilities that we are commanded to use for God.  And our vote is one of those talents.  Do not “bury” it in the ground.  Use it to express your beliefs and vote for the candidate you believe would lead this country in the right direction.

October 28

“Well Done!”  “Thank you for service!”  “Welcome Home!”  Who does not want to hear positive affirmations like these?
They are much better than the alternative that we will look at in a few weeks with the parable of the sheep and the goats.  But how much better will it be when we hear them from the ultimate judge and Father up in heaven.  As I mentioned in my sermon on Sunday, I know three people who heard these words just in this last week.  And my hope is that everyone reading this devotional will here it.  But it calls for faithfulness on our part.  We may not be perfect or as talented as others or as rich and able to to give, but faithfulness is what God is calling for.  Whatever God has entrusted you with, use for his honor and glory to the best of your ability and those words will be heralded into your ears when you stand before him one of these days.