August 21
Where do we go from here? That is a great question to ask ourselves often. But especially after a significant event happens in our lives. And our church’s celebration of 125 years of ministry is significant. So where does Groveland Missionary Church go from here? Will we suddenly gain the 200+ people we loss over the last decade? Will we now sink into obscurity? I do not think either one is the answer. The answer to continuing on in this church is the same as it has been for the last 125 year: faithfulness. God wants us to be faithful. And if we continue to be faithful to him, he will continue his faithfulness and blessings to us. But how are we to be faithful. Well in this week’s message, we are to continue teaching sound doctrine. The Bible has always been our source of live and living and it will not stop if we stay true to God and his teaching. It will continue to give this church the life it needs to last another 125 years, well into the future. Know what you believe and why, and you will never stop seeing God work.
August 14
August 7
July 31
Those three Hebrew children were able so stand up under the pressure of a mighty King and his huge statue because they knew that their God was much bigger and mightier than any earthly king or giant statue. How big is your God when faced with the pressure to conform? He too can deliver you from the fiery trials.
July 24
What is a Christian in your definition? That is a tougher question than you might initially think and you cannot find it defined in the Bible. However, the words disciple and servant are defined and have clearer meanings. So maybe the better question is what is a disciple in your definition?
July 3
My family and I are taking today to spend at the Ark Encounter in KY. It is a life size replica of Noah’s ark from Gen 6. It is a wonderful experience and I would encourage everyone to take a day to go and see it. It is part of an organization called Answers in Genesis and more information about them and the ark (as well as the Creation Museum (also in KY)) can be found on their website
June 26
Going to be another short post this week. I am just going to ask one question about Jesus being the king of kings in your life. It is not is he. But how is he king in your life? How are you letting him reign in your heart?
June 12
I do not like preaching sermons like yesterday which details the pain and suffering Jesus went through to be crucified for us. I know that it happened and that it is an important concept to remember. It pains me to recall the horrors that Jesus willing took on so that I may have life. And yet, it was because of his love for me that he sacrificed himself in such a way. And every time I sin, it is like crucifying him again and again. It is a reminder that I should live my life for him so that his sacrifice was not in vain, but gives me the free gift he offered.
June 4
I hope that I sounded excited yesterday preaching on the Jesus our Redeemer. I do not know how else to preach a message like that. When I think about what it means to be set free from the power of sin and no longer being a slave to my guilty past, I just need to shout and sing. And I hope that you are not far behind me. It is a message that brings joy to my heart whenever I think about it. So sing and shout today for you have been redeemed!!
May 29
Memorial Day is a day we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms and liberties. And so I simply want to take a brief pause in this post for us to do this. Thank you to all who gave their lives for me.