June 24
I just got back from vacation this week. My family and I went up to Buffalo, NY to visit with family. And we once again traveled a few miles north to Niagara Falls. This is my fourth time to see Niagara Falls, but I am still stunned and amazed by it’s wonder and power. On this trip we did something I had never done before: I rode on a boat that travels up the river into the mist generated by the plunging water and I got to see the falls from a whole new perspective. And from that new perspective, my perception of it only increased. The same is true about God. Our views on God’s greatness leave us stunned and amazed by his wonder and power. And getting a new or different perspective will only increase that; especially if we get an opportunity to see Him closer to us.
June 17
Our Missionary speaker this week was telling us some of the tools he uses in his work overseas. One of those tools was American football. I liked when he asked our congregation, whose majority is over 65 years old, “How many of you play football? . . . Well you can now!” and he went on by explaining that we can play football because he plays football in his ministry and we can be a part of that ministry when we pray or support his work overseas. I can proudly say that I play football. Isn’t wonderful that we can support others all around the world through our prayers and fiances. God is using us to play football!
June 10
It is a sad and yet joyous week here at Groveland Missionary Church. A member from our church lost his battle with Pneumonia. But we know that he is rejoicing in heaven today and so we are happy he has a new, healthy, resurrected body. I reminds be of a verse in the last 2 chapters of the Bible where Jesus says, “Behold I make all things new” (Rev 21:5). We who are God’s children will be reunited with Him when our earth ravished bodies lie cold in the ground and we will be with the Lord forever. Praise the Lord.
June 3
Today is my youngest son’s birthday. I preached on his namesake yesterday. The number one characteristic that is mentioned about the Caleb in the Bible is that he fully trusted in the Lord. This is a grand characteristic. And it is one that I hope my son will take away from his namesake. It is one that I hope is said about my life. In fact, I hope that all who read this will strive to make true in your life. Fully trusting in the Lord is not easy. Caleb had to overcome peer-pressure, sinful surroundings, and literal giants. And God allowed him to win and be successful because of his trust. How fully are you trusting in the Lord?
May 27
May 20
May 13
Calling all warriors. You know who you are. Especially if you listened to this week’s sermon. God has given us all the strength we need to fight in the battle He has given each of us. Not battle is too great for him. So trust Him for your warrior strength and accomplish the task God has placed before you.