November 16
We can be the kind of examples people can follow. And something I did not include in my message, is that you already are an example in many cases whether you know it or not. You may not think others are looking to you as an example of Christianity, but more than likely you are. The question is, are you a good example or a bod example? Just remember that being a good example does not mean you are perfect or have it altogether. We all stumble in our Christian walk. What matters is how you deal with your stumbles and downfalls. The important thing to remember is to always live your life as if someone is watching.
November 9
The elections were this last week and a lot of people nation wide voted. It is good to see so many using the freedoms that this country offers in a productive way. But we also need to remember, as I preached on Sunday to run with the end in mind. Jesus is the one we really need to please. He is the one we need to follow. And if we seek him, he will see us safely home.
November 2
I am stealing this quote from Charles Colson’s book Loving God. It falls right in line with what I preached on Sunday. “We Christians are usually quick to say we want to ‘be like Jesus’. But if we are honest about what those familiar Sunday School words really mean, we’ll see that compel us to adopt His attitudes; and that means belief in, and submission to, the Scriptures . . . It requires us to dies to self and follow Christ. It demands that we recognized the sin in our lives and that we acknowledge and repent of that sin.”
October 26
October 19
One of the points in this week’s sermon was on unity. And while our country is called the UNITED States of America, it is all but. Quoting the Bible during the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln said, “A house divided cannot stand.” It almost seems to be getting to that point. With racial divisions, and political divisions, it seems like everybody is on one side or another. There is very little middle ground. And each side think they are in the right so much so that they villainize the other. This name calling and demonizing just makes matters worse. And sometimes it seeps into the church. Mask-wearers vs. non Mask-wearers. Calvinism vs. Armenian. Traditional hymns vs. Praise songs. It is important not just to call ourselves united, but actually be united. This do not mean that we cannot think individually, but that we as individuals work together and seek the same things, like telling others about Jesus and his saving grace. Do not become so caught up in the world’s divisions (and the divisiveness here in America), that it breaks up the unity we can have as believers.
October 12
The scary events of last week with my child almost having appendicitis and surgery was eye-opening. Through it all, God allowed me to show patience (waiting for all the doctors/results) and reliance on God. He was so good at calming my spirit and allowing his peace to overwhelm me in ways I have not experienced in a long time. I hope you have times like this. Not the medical scare, but times when God just overwhelms you with his peace and presence.
October 5
I skipped the first whole paragraph of Philippians to focus on abounding love. But I do not want to do that here. Because it’s message about how God brings his works to completion is another great message. God is working in our life to make him more like Jesus. And he is not done with any of us. None of us are a finished work until we stand before him complete. So I hope that you allow God to do his work in and through you and realize that God is not finished with you.
September 28
Good Friday as we mentioned on Sunday was not “good” at first. It seemed like the end of the world to many other than God himself. He knew what he was doing from start to finish. However, the struggles and pain Jesus endured on that day sometimes parallel the struggles we face. But God can (and sometimes does) redeem our “Fridays” and turns them into “Sundays”. The days we feel are our worst defeat can quickly turn into our greatest victories. Those days that seem like all is lost can led to days when all the pieces finally come together. What days do you have that you need to ask God to turn into Sundays?
September 21
Quickly, this week there is a large focus on prayer. I am taking part in a prayer conference Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday is See you at the pole school gathering (as well as prayer meeting). And I am meeting with a pastor on Thursday and praying with him. So my encouragement for you this week is to be Men and Women of prayer too.
September 14
Prayer has been the subject of my thinking this morning. A zoom call had it as a subject of discussion and my devotion was about the time Daniel prayed for wisdom. Plus my desk calendar had this quote from Charles Swindoll, “Think before you pray . . . Draw your prayer out of real life. Don’t lapse into mechanical muttering or convenient religious jargon. You’re not just ‘saying a blessing,’ you’re talking to your God!” It reminds me about that last several nights praying with my kids. Every night when I put them to bed, I ask them, “What would you like to pray for tonight?” And, knowing this pattern, my three sons usually answer the same thing every night- something to the effect “For the great day I had”. And I wonder sometimes as I close their door if that is all they pray for or if after I leave they pray silently to themselves things that are too embarrassing to pray with their father about. I hope that is the case, but it might be they have just settled into muttering the same thing without thinking about who they are praying to. Then I think sometimes we as adults sometimes do the same think. Next time you pray, think about who you are praying to.