I am writing this later on in the week because of a couple of things here at the church that have taken my time and attention. But I wanted to get back to what I talked about on Sunday about teaching one another. We sometimes think that we have to be called to be a teacher in order to teach or that we need a special education or training to teach. But that is not what the Bible says. There is a difference between teaching as a teacher and teaching as a believer. The teaching talked about in the passages we looked at Sunday (Rom 15:14 and Col 3:16) might be better translated sharing of ourselves in order to teach and admonish and to rebuke others. Bringing something back to their minds, something they already know but may have forgotten in the moment. And we all can do that without special training or extra knowledge. So teach them what you have learned. You never know, they may help teach you something down the road that you need to learn in return.