Proverbs is an interesting book. It gives us insight into how God works in human experiences. However, as I said in my sermon, proverbs are not promises. They were never intended to be. Proverbs is man’s way of looking at godly things. Proverbs are a literary form that expresses perceived truth. It is not intended to be guarantees or work 100% of the time. They are like metaphors (in fact there are a lot of metaphors in the book) that put together similar things or traits. Metaphors are not intended to relate to exactness. And just as you cannot take metaphors (and other analogous language) to extremes or form concrete conclusions, they give you a general picture by using a variety of imagery. That being said, there are some proverbs that are more true than others. But this is because those truths are backed up by other scripture. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart . . .” (Prov 3:5) has the same command/blessing as “Love the Lord with all your heart . . .” (Matt 22:37) To do so will bring blessing to your life.