Some of you may have found these posts for the first time. Maybe someone handed you a card for free babysitting or offering prayer for some of you needs. Maybe you click on a ad on Facebook. I want you to know that you are welcome here. Explore the website as much as you desire. Sign up for our Parent’s Night Out (free babysitting) that will take place on September 3rd. Come to our movie night coming up on August 27. I usually do not publicize the title, but I think I can let those of you who found this place in on the secret. We are going to watch the movie Abominable from 2019. It is free (just like the babysitting) and you can also get some free popcorn to eat during the movie. More details are under our Events page.
There are other pages where you can listen to past sermons and learn more about our church. But the best way to learn about our church is to come on Sunday morning at 10:30 and experience it for yourself. I am personally inviting you. Be my guest and experience what you cannot here on this website or by watching it on Facebook. Let us show you how much we love people.